Saturday 2 April 2011


The battle is now well and truly on.
I am sure you will by now know the outcome of the Government’s so called consultation on implementing Jackson.
Earlier this week, we circulated a short briefing on the main headlines and also a briefing on the next wave of consultation for “reform”.
The Government intends to abolish recoverability of success fees and ATE premiums.
This is bad news for personal injury claimants and those who represent them. The only winners are the insurance lobby.
It is obvious to all we are up against a foe who has no regard for access to justice, and will not allow the facts to get in the way of ideologically driven change for the benefit of the insurers.
This is your chance to understand how Jackson will affect you.
The show isn’t over until the Bill is signed by the Queen: so there is still everything to play for!
MPs, and leading industry figures will give you their insight into implementing Jackson; hear about the future of the sector from experts on Alternative Business Structures and the RTAPortal. Hear from the Access To Justice Action Group about the continued fight to change the legislation

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